The construction of our investment of warehouse (500 m2) and the photovoltaic solar power plant (36 kWc) was started, Montbrison , France (February 2020)

The exportation of industrial fans was completed , Istanbul, Turkey ( February 2020)

The construction of villa no.3 was completed , Coutansouze , France (March 2020)

The yearly total electric energy were produced and sold directly to EDF from our solar power plants no.3 and 4 , Coutansouze & Vergaville, France (March 2020)

The contract of engineering, production and construction (EPC) for 2 units of economisers for Heat Recovery Steam Boilers was signed between Ozgur Cecen Engineering Co. and Eti Maden General Management , Ankara, Turkey ( April 2020)

The construction of villa no.4 was completed , Coutansouze , France (May 2020)

The yearly total electric energy were produced and sold directly to EDF from our solar power plants no.1 and 2 , Coutansouze, France (July and August 2020)

The exportation of automatic doors was completed, Ankara, Turkey (September 2020)

Our solar power plant no.5 was commissioned and started to produce electric energy (September 2020)

Our villas no.3 and no.4 were rented to the customers , Coutansouze, France (Octobre 2020)

The engineering, production and construction (EPC) for 2 units of economisers for Heat Recovery Steam Boilers have been finished and the start-up & performance tests  were completed succesfully, Kutahya ,Turkey (November 2020)

The installation of our solar power plant no.6 was completed , Montbrison , France (December 2020)


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